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SP/Tolkien 30.10.21

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Súkromné posolstvo /Slovensko/:  zdroj utajený: 30.10.2021


TOLKIEN je dielo  pre pohanov, dobrý kresťan má

iné zdroje poznania, dcéra moja. 

Som VTELENÉ Slovo Božie, som Tvoj Ježiš, dcéra..

Robert Barron /"1959/ je americký prelát RKC, pomocný biskup v arcidiecéze Los Angeles,USA.  Zalozil  evanjelizacne hnutie WORLD ON FIRE. Bol aj rektorom knazskeho seminara v stale Illin.,USA. Je bohato aktivny na socialnych sietach internetu. Jeho mottom je : Nic, iba Ty, Pane.

Americký kňaz Fr. Mike Schmitz , americký kňaz  írskonemeckého pôvodu, hodnoti Tolkiena pozitivne.

Je cinny v dieceze Duluth, Minnesota, USA v sluzbe pre mladych, je katolický spíker / v rôznych katolickych akciách/, autor,  známy na web.strankach a  cez tyzdenne programy cez  Youtube aj ako  podcasty /audio/.


Negatívne hodnotenie spisovateľa Tolkiena  z web.stranok:

I keď dieloTolkiena vyšlo po prvýkrát v r.1954-5, populárnym sa stálo až po vydaní v r.1965.  Bol to rok Hippies, Neo-pohanstva a Pána prsteňov, ktorý umožnil INÚ REALITU NÁBOŽENSKÉHO SVETA: Prvý hnutím, ktoré vzniklo spojením s dielom Tolkliena boli Hippies. Uzatvárali manželstvá medzi sebou podľa rituálov uvedených v knihách Tolkiena a čítali ich počas svojích spoločných výletoch, aby získali duchovnú skúsenosť.

Aký bol gnosticizmus kedysi a aký je dnes | Konzervatívny denník (

Tolkienova KOZMOLOGIA bez ohladu na GENEZIS a iné biblické knihy, buduje vlastné predstavy a reflektuje roznym sposobom ezotericke porozumenie GNOSTICIZMU, starobylého NEPRIATEĽA biblického kresťanstva, na potešenie a súhlas mnohých súčasných moderných gnostikov.

Tolkien je cesta ako nahradiť kresťanstvo:The Sad Truth Of Tolkien Spirituality - The Sacred Sandwich

Tolkien podáva nutné elementy pre nové náboženstvo:The Sad Truth Of Tolkien Spirituality - The Sacred Sandwich

Tolkien vo svojich listoch a esejach vraj odhaľuje svoje kroky pri tvorbe, ktoré nemajú nič spoločné s kresťanstvom:

- jeho obdiv a pamiatka k ATLANTIS, s čím je spojení viera v reinkarnáciu a Platonov ostrov Atlas

- často je zahalené, že jeho úmyslom nebolo vymysliet niečo nové, ale odhaliť starobylé pravdy, snáď nábožensky inšpirované.

Je veľa diel v anglickom jazyku, ktoré nabádajú k opatrnosti v podpore Tolkienovho diela pre náboženské prostredie. Cieľom tejto opatrnosti je prispieť k tomu, aby sa  NEROBILI KOMPROMISY s Bibliou a biblickým duchom rozlišovania  a s neveriacimi a fantáziou a mýtami!



--------------------------Nazor na dielo Tolkiena podla zdrojov z internet.stranok:

When we discuss the matter of the secret societies and the Illuminati(1), it's inevitable to make the comparison to Tolkien. Sauron is of course Satan/Lucifer with his occult power, and Gandalf is a member of a Brotherhood called "The Wizard's Council", which is a secret society in itself with magic rituals and esoteric wisdom.

The hobbits would from this viewpoint be the ignorant homo sapiens, who don't want to get involved and don't know very much about what is going on around and above them anyway. Just like in the world today, ignorant people are used for "greater purposes" by the secret societies, without knowing that they are being used.Sauron

Sauron je samozrejme satan/Lucifer s okultnou mocou a Gandalf je clenom bratstva ,ktore sa nazyva ' Koncil vizardov', ktory je sam o sebe tajnou spolocnostou s magickymi ritualmi a esoterickymi vedomostami.

Hobiti z tohto uhla pohladu su ignoranti homo sapiens - ludia, ktori sa neangazuju a nevedia nic, co sa deje okolo nich a nad nimi. Tak ako v dnesnom svete, ignborujuci ludia su POUZITI na vacsie ucely tajmymi spolocnostami, bez toho, ze by vedeli, ze ich niekto pouziva.


The Sumerian Scriptures

Tolkien was very aware of the Sumerian Scriptures. If you look at the Genesis in "Silmarillion", you see the similarities to old Sumer. Eru is from this sense Anu, the alien king/god of Sumer, and "ainur" would be the "Anunnaki". Melkor (Satan) is the fallen angel, Sauron's (Lucifer's) teacher. There is also another connection, a play with words. Moriah is the name the Illuminati use about themselves, for their Order(1), and Tolkien uses the word Moria, referring to the hidden, secret realm in the tunnels under Misty Mountains. Symbolically the realm of Moria could be compared to the Realm of Moriah, the place where secrets are kept.  The sorcerer (Gandalf) fell into the depths together with the Balrog; died and were reborn, coming out even wiser, dressed in white instead of grey. White is wisdom. Saruman chose the other road and joined the Black Order of Mordor. He eventually caved himself in (as most black magicians do), and the good forces celebrated victory.

There are more "coincidences" with the Sumerian scriptures. This is an excerpt form the the website "Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Truth, Myth of Both?":

"Dr. Ralph C. Wood, Professor of English at Baylor University and an expert on Tolkien's work, described those "lesser gods" or ruling spirits. Notice that the reigning God sounds more like the aloof deity of deism than the caring God of the Bible. Other "gods" would fit right into Norse and Celtic mythology (two areas of research that fascinated Tolkien):

"At the top stands Ilúvatar, the All-Father, corresponding roughly to the One whom Christians call God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. From him all things proceed, and to him all things return. He is the beginning and the end, the One who shapes all events to his own purposes. He... only rarely intervenes in his Creation, preferring instead to work through... fifteen subordinate beings....

"Manwë, the Good and Pure.... is most concerned with air, wind, clouds, and the birds that fly. Manwë's spouse is Varda, the Exalted. She made the stars, established the courses of the Sun and Moon, and set the morning and evening star Eärendil in the sky. Thus is she known to the elves as Elbereth (Star-Queen) and Gilthoniel (Star-Kindler). She listens to the cries of both men and elves in order to come to their aid and succor.

Next comes Melkor ("He who arises in Might"). Ilúvatar gave to him greater power and knowledge than to any of the other Valar.... He desired to have his own power to create things out of nothing--to give them true Being--as the All-Father did. So he searched in the Void for the Flame Imperishable, disturbing the original Music which Ilúvatar had created to keep the Timeless Halls in harmony....

Ulmo ("pourer, rainer") is... lord of waters... he dwells in the Outer Ocean or in the waters underneath Middle Earth, governing the movement of all oceans and riversUlmo cares greatly for the Children of Ilúvatar, advising them by direct appearances, by dreams, or through the music of waters....
"Irmo ("master of desire") is the author of visions and dreams...."
(2) emphasis added"

Just like the Sumerian Gods, the Tolkien "lesser gods" were lords over the elements; Ulmo was the "Lord of Waters" as were Enki in the Sumerian Scripture






The present volume attests to a growing scholarly interest in new religions that incorporate popular fiction into their beliefs and practices. Such reli-gions are variously referred to as ‘hyper-real’ (possamai 2005), ‘invented’ (Cusack 2010a), or ‘fiction-based’ (davidsen 2010) religions. Studies in the field have examined, for instance, lovecraft-inspired Chaos Magick (hanegraaff 2007), the otherkin (kirby 2009a; kirby 2009b), Matrixism (e.g. Morehead this volume), the Church of all Worlds (Cusack 2010a: 53–82; Cusack 2010b), and Jediism (possamai 2005: 71–83; davidsen 2010).1Scholars see these organised groups as extreme examples of an increas-ing interconnection between popular fiction and alternative spirituality, contributing to a re-enchantment of the world (possamai 2005: 103–104; partridge 2004).So far nothing has been published on spirituality based on The Lord of the Rings and J. r. r. Tolkien’s other writings, though two traditions of scholarship have touched upon ‘Tolkien and religion’. Theologians and Tolkien scholars with a theological agenda have emphasised the fact that Tolkien was a convinced roman Catholic and sought to show that his fiction is deeply Christian (e.g. pearce 1998; Birzer 2003). Some have sug-gested using The Lord of the Rings in religious education and Bible study groups (arthur 2003). The theological approaches focus on Tolkien’s writ-ings and his person, but pay little attention to the reception of his works. Scholars of contemporary paganism, on the other hand, have emphasised that Tolkien was and is widely read in pagan circles, and that his works 1 Chaos Magickians incorporate elements of h. p. lovecraft’s horror cycle, the ‘Cthulhu Mythos’. They invoke the monster gods from those tales and become possessed by them. The otherkin is a movement whose members believe themselves to be ‘other-than-human’, for instance, elves, dragons or vampires. Matrixism is based on the Matrix film trilogy by larry and andy Wachowski. The Church of all Worlds is inspired by robert a. heinlein’s science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land (1961), but its practice also includes pagan elements. The church has played a major role in the organisation of american paganism. Jediism is based on george lucas’ Star Wars films. its members believe in the Force and identify with the Jedi knights.


The present volume attests to a growing scholarly interest in new religions that incorporate popular fiction into their beliefs and practices. Such reli-gions are variously referred to as ‘hyper-real’ (possamai 2005), ‘invented’ (Cusack 2010a), or ‘fiction-based’ (davidsen 2010) religions. Studies in the field have examined, for instance, lovecraft-inspired Chaos Magick (hanegraaff 2007), the otherkin (kirby 2009a; kirby 2009b), Matrixism (e.g. Morehead this volume), the Church of all Worlds (Cusack 2010a: 53–82; Cusack 2010b), and Jediism (possamai 2005: 71–83; davidsen 2010).1Scholars see these organised groups as extreme examples of an increas-ing interconnection between popular fiction and alternative spirituality, contributing to a re-enchantment of the world (possamai 2005: 103–104; partridge 2004).So far nothing has been published on spirituality based on The Lord of the Rings and J. r. r. Tolkien’s other writings, though two traditions of scholarship have touched upon ‘Tolkien and religion’. Theologians and Tolkien scholars with a theological agenda have emphasised the fact that Tolkien was a convinced roman Catholic and sought to show that his fiction is deeply Christian (e.g. pearce 1998; Birzer 2003). Some have sug-gested using The Lord of the Rings in religious education and Bible study groups (arthur 2003). The theological approaches focus on Tolkien’s writ-ings and his person, but pay little attention to the reception of his works. Scholars of contemporary paganism, on the other hand, have emphasised that Tolkien was and is widely read in pagan circles, and that his works 1 Chaos Magickians incorporate elements of h. p. lovecraft’s horror cycle, the ‘Cthulhu Mythos’. They invoke the monster gods from those tales and become possessed by them. The otherkin is a movement whose members believe themselves to be ‘other-than-human’, for instance, elves, dragons or vampires. Matrixism is based on the Matrix film trilogy by larry and andy Wachowski. The Church of all Worlds is inspired by robert a. heinlein’s science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land (1961), but its practice also includes pagan elements. The church has played a major role in the organisation of american paganism. Jediism is based on george lucas’ Star Wars films. its members believe in the Force and identify with the Jedi knights.




God The Father

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Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: "My children, today, I warn you, do not do anything because it is popular. The Tradition of Faith is very unpopular these days.  Always let your motives for your thoughts, words and deeds be the fulfillment of Holy Love.  That is the way to entrust your soul to My Divine Providence.  Such a soul trusts in My Divine Providence through the love he has for Me."



"When your trust fails you, it is due to a weakness in your love for Me.  This is the weakness which leads to sin."



"Be consoled in the great Love I have for each soul.  My Love battles the untruths designed by Satan to lead you astray."



Read 2 Thessalonians 2:13-1