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DEVIATNIK : Obetovanie Dieťaťa v chráme /M.V./


Dve poučenia z popisu udalosti


Z diela talianskej mystičky Márie Valtorty, diel I., kap.32


Slová Pána Ježiša zo súkromného zjavenia pre taliansku mystickú dušu  Máriu Valtortu

1.den: 25.1.2024

Kňaz, ktorý  je ustavične spojený s Bohom, ktorý sa zaoberá  všetkým, čo má vzťah k Bohu a ktorý je oddaný všetkému, čo je povznesené NAD TELO, by musel ihneď vnútorným hnutím, vnútorným zrakom ROZPOZNAŤ, KTO JE DIEŤA, ktoré prináša Mária a Jozef a ktoré má byť Bohu obetované v chráme. Aby to však mohol spoznať, bolo by treba, aby mal ŽIVĚHO DUCHA. Nie iba odev, zakrývajúci ducha, ak nie mŕtveho, tak veľmi uspaného.

Boží duch môže, ak chce HRMIEŤ a OTRIASAŤ ako BLESKOM  a ZEMETRASENÍM aj napotupnejšieho ducha.TO MOŽE!!! Ale pretože je DUCHOM PORIADKU, ako je poriadkom BOH v každej svojej osobe a v spôsobe konania,ON sa zvyčajne VLIEVA a HOVORÍ nie tam, kde sú dostatočné zásluhy na získanie jeho vliatia - to by sa vlial iba v zriedkavých prípadoch a ani ty / Mária Valtorta/ by si nepoznala jeho Svetlo,ale tam, kde vidí DOBRÚ VOĽU zaslúžiť si Jeho vyliatie.

Ako sa rozvíja dobra vôľa? Životom žitým, podľa vašich možnosti, úplne v BOHU. Vo viere,

v poslušnosti, v čistote, v láske, vo veľkodušnosti, v modlitbe.Nie vo vonkajších úkonoch.

Je menší rozdiel medzi nocou a dňom ako medzi OBRADMI a MODLITBOU. 

Modlitba je spoločenstvo ducha s Bohom....

Úkony sú čírym zvykom, sú konané s rôznym cieľom, avšak vždy sebeckým, ktoré vás nechajú takými,

akí ste ,ba zaťažia vás hriechom klamstva a lenivosti.

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2.deň - 26.1.2024

SIMEON mal túto dobrú voľu. Život ho neušetril námah a skúšok, ale ON SVOJU DOBRÚ VOĽU NESTRATIL. Roky a udalosti NEOTRIASLI jeho vierou v Pána, v jeho prísľuby a NEUNAVILI  jeho dobrú vôľu byť vždy viac hodným Boha.

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3.deň - 27.1.2024

Boh prv ako sa zavreli oči verného služobníka pred svetlom slnka v očakávaní, že sa otvoria Božiemu slnku, žiariacemu z otvorených nebies pri mojom vystúpení po  učeníctve, mu zoslal LÚČ DUCHA, ktorý ho doviedol do chrámu, aby UVIDEL SVETLO, ktoré prišlo na svet.

"Z vnuknutia Ducha svätého" hovorí sa v evanjeliu.

Ó, keby ľudia vedeli, aký dokonalý PRIATEĽ je Duch Svätý! Aký Vodca, aký Učiteľ!

Keby ho milovali a vzývali, túto Láska Najsvätejšej Trojice, toto SVETLO SVETA., tento OHEŇ OHŇA,


O ćo viac by poznali to, čo je NEVYHNUTNÉ VEDIEŤ!

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4.deň - 28.1.2024

Simeon čakal celý svoj DLHÝ život, aby "uvidel SVETLO", aby spoznal, že sa splnil BOŽÍ PRÍSĽUB.

Nikdy nezapochyboval. Nikdy si nepovedal: " Je zbytočné zotrvávať v nádeji a v modlitbe"

VYTRVAL. A dostalo sa mu VIDIEŤ, čo neuvidel /duchovne/ ani kňaz ani členovia veľrady, plní pýchy a

zaslepenosti- vidieť BOŽIEHO SYNA, MESIÁŠA, SPASITEĹA v detskom veku, z ktorého sálalo teplo a

úsmev.  Dostal ÚSMEV BOHA - prvú odmenu za svoj ČESTNÝ a ZBZNÝ ŽIVOT - ústami DIEŤAŤA,

ktorým som bol ja. Ježiš.


5.deň - 29.1.2024

Aj Anna, prorokyňa, vidí vo mne, v novorodencovi, MESIÁŠA. Pri jej prorockých schopnostiach je to

prirodzené. Ale počúvajte, čo hovorí MOJEJ MATKE, hnaná vierou a láskou.A utvorte si z toho SVETLO

pre vášho ducha...... v tento SVIATOK SVETLA.

Druhé poučenie - slová Anny

"Tomu, ktorý dal Spasiteľa, NEBUDE CHÝBAŤ MOC dať svojho anjela,  aby ťa potešil v tvojom plači!"


6.deň -30.1.2024

Jeruzalemský chrám - spracované z diela M.Valtorty

Horčičné zrnko (

Krytý vstup na východnej strane.Centrálna časť chrámu so SVATYŇOU z troch strán obostavaná priestormi pre kňazov. Hlavná sieň so zlatým oltárom na pálenie kadidla a obetné stoly.Z hlavnej siene sa šlo do Svatyne svätých- stvorcový podorys /11,2 m/ Bola rozdelená závesom a smel tu vojsť raz do roka iba kňaz na deň zmierenia.

/Tu sa uchovávala v prvom jeruzalemskom chráme Archa zmluvy.V druhom jeruzalemskom chráme sa však už svatyna nenachadzala, archa zmizla. Ale nevstupovalo sa od tohto priestoru, verilo sa, ze tu Boh prebýva nadalej.Celý druhý jeruzalemsky chrám bol zrekonstruovaný Herodesom Veľkým./

Chrám obklopovalo niekoľko nádvorí. Pred predsienou bol vnutorný dvor na spaľovanie obeti.

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7.den -31.1.2024

Popis obetovania v chráme podľa Márie Valtorty.

Mária prichádza do Jeruzalema sediac na oslikovi. Vedľa nej kráča Jozef.

Prišli k bráne, kde je stanovište na ustajnenie oslov. Je to akýsi druh chatrče..Prístrešok, v ktorom je rozhadzaná slama a koly s pruhmi na priviazenie zvierat.

Obaja vstupujú do chrámového komplexu.

Smerujú najprv do priestoru, kde sa zoskupujú  predavači hrdličiek a baránkov a peňazomenci. Sú to tí, ktorých raz Ježiš vyhnal z chrámu.Jozef kupuje dvoch bielych holúbkov. Peniaze nevymieňa. Zrejme má také, ktoré potrebuje.

Potom sa Mária v náručí držiac Dieťa Ježiša uberajú k bočnému vchodu, ku ktorému vedie osem schodíkov. Zdá sa, že pred každým vchodom je osem schodíkov.Za vchodom je ATRIUM, aké mávajú brány na našich mestkých domoch, ale rozsiahlejšie.Vpravo i vľavo sú  dve konštrukcie. Akési oltáre, ktoré vyzerajú ako nízke vane.Prichádza kňaz. Mária mu obetuje dvoch holúbkov, ktorých život tu pri týchto oltároch je ukončený.Okrem holúbkov dala Mária kňazovi za hrsť mincí.

Potom vstupuje pár spolu s kňazom do vnutorneho priestoru  chrámu. Miesto je bohato zdobené.

Mária dojde až po určité miesto, potom sa zastaví.pred SVATYŇOU.

Priestor, kde sa nachadza z troch strán obklopuje samotný chrám, ktorý je svätyňou chrámu. 

Mária odovzdáva kňazovi DIEŤA.Ten ho vezme do svojich rúk a obetuje ho BOHU. Stojí oproti oltáru na schodikoch a s vystretými rukami ho pozdvihne smerom k chrámu. OBRAD je DOVRŠENÝ.

Kńaz vracia Dieťatko späť Matke a odchádza. 

Po tomto obrade prichádza k Márii prorok Simeon a prorokyňa Anna.

Poznámka: Španielska mystička Mária z Agredy popisuje obetovanie v chráme a vraví, že Simeon bol nižším kňazom.

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8.deň -1.2.2023

Poučenie z diela  Márie Valtorty:diel I., kap.32, str.175

Myslite na to, že Boh dal seba samého, aby zničil dielo Satana. Nebude mocť teraz zvíťaziť nad démonmi, ktorí vás trápia?

Nebude môcť teraz osušiť váš plač zahnaním týchto démonov a tak, že vás naplní duchom svojho POKOJA?

Prečo ho oň neprosíte s vierou?

S vierou pravdivou, všemocnou. S vierou, pred ktorou prísnosť Boha, rozhorčeného z toľkých hriechov, padne s úsmevom a dostane sa vám odpustenia. Odpustenie je pomoc. Dostane sa vám požehnania. Požehnanie ako dúha nad touto zemou, ktorá sa topí v krvi. A spôsobili to ľudia.

......Kríž vždy zvíťazil nad úkladmi diabla, ktorý prichádza v podobe surovosti ľudí alebo v podobe životných trápení, ktoré vás zatlačia k zúfalstvu. Takto sa snaží diabol oddeliť od Boha tie srdcia, ktoré nemôže získať iným spôsobom.

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Obetovanie Pána v chráme by sme mohli porovnať s obetou na Kalvárii, ktorú sprítomňuje každá svätá omša.Život Panny Márie (VIII): Obetovanie Ježiša v chráme - Opus Dei


9.deň - 2.2.2024

vlastné rozjímanie:

Dieťa Ježiš ako sláva Izraela a SVETLO na osvietenie pohanov. - Slava Izraela a svetlo na osvietenie pohanov

Aký je svet biedny  v očiach človeka, ktorý má v náručí KRISTA a pred očami SPÁSU.

Aj dnes je Ježiš odmietaný, ľudia hovoria proti nemu, pravda a svätosť nie sú túžbou srdca.

Ukryté city a myšlienky sa odhaľujú, ak človek objíme Krista.

Ukrytá korupcia srdca iných sa zjaví v ich nepriateľstve voči Slovu.

Človek bude súdený podľa myšlienok svojho srdca.

Príď Pane, príď Kristovo SVETLO -  zákon, spása, pravý Boh -  k tým, ktorí sedia v temnote svojej ignorácie a hriechu! Príd do ich myslí ako Slnko, ktoré vyjde po dlhej noci. Príď, Pane Ježišu!

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Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

From the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Candlemas Day on the Traditional calendar.

Our Lady of the Great Event – the Purification is also the Day of release of the Writings of Luisa from the Vatican Secret Archives 28 years ago 1996.

Also on the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of the Presentation, was Luisa’s 1st Mystical Marriage as recorded in Volume 1:

Psalm 44 – “All the Glory of the King’s Daughter Dwells Within; Her Garments are Fringed in Gold;
She is Robed about in Many Colours. Virgins shall follow her to the King; her neighbours shall be brought
before you. They shall be borne with gladness and joy; they shall be led into the Temple of the King.”

Our Lady and Luisa – like Mother like daughter

      – Luisa’s 1st Mystical Marriage – Vol 1 – “The longed-for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering.  I remember that it was almost one year that I had been continuously in bed – it was the day of the Purity of Mary Most Holy.  On the night before that day, my Lover Jesus made Himself seen all festive.  He drew near me, took my heart in His hands, and He looked at it over and over again; He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me again.  Then He took a Garment of Immense Beauty – it seemed to me that its background was a layer of Gold streaked with various colors – and He Clothed me with that Garment.  Then He took two Gems, as if they were earrings, and He Bejeweled my ears.  Then He Adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a Crown of Immense Value, all enriched with Precious Stones and Gems, all Refulgent with Light; and it seemed to me that those Lights were as many Voices that resounded among themselves, speaking in clear notes of the Beauty, Power, Fortitude, and of all the other Virtues of my Spouse Jesus.  Who can say what I comprehended, and in what Sea of Consolation my soul was swimming?  It is impossible to say it.

Now, while Jesus was Crowning my forehead, He told me:  “Most sweet spouse, I place this Crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our Wedding is done, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.”  Finally, He took a Veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that Way.  Ah! it seemed to me that in that Veil there was a great Meaning, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that Veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified.  The very Angels were around me with such veneration, that I myself was confounded and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself seen again all Affable, Sweet and Majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine.  First, a Hymn was Sung by the Angels, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the Ring on my finger.  Then, we Embraced and He Kissed me, and so did Mama also.  Then we had a conversation, all of Love – Jesus told me of the Great Love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him.  The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the Great Grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the Love of Jesus.

My Spouse Jesus gave me new rules in order to live more perfectly, but since it has been a long time, I don’t remember them so well; therefore I will skip them.  And so it ended, for that day.”


Facts concerning the Cause and the writings of Luisa

In May of 1938, following a persecution of Luisa by certain parties, and in a time when the Vatican was clamping down on the many reported mystics of that time, including Padre Pio, who was condemned by Pope Pius XI, a delegate was sent from the then Holy Office to Luisa’s home in Corato, Italy, to confiscate three works associated with Luisa’s name, which had been edited, changed, and published by her last confessor, Don Benedetto Calvi. These three works were definitely not the volumes of the Book of Heaven, which had not been published. The three published works were: “The Hours of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with a treatise on the Divine Will” “The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will,” and a compilation of passages from Luisa’ first four volumes with the title, “In the Kingdom of the Divine Will.” Remember these three works were not as originally written by Luisa but were edited and changed by Don Benedetto Calvi.

The delegate from the Holy Office did not report his presence or mission to the ordinary of the diocese. During the episode at Luisa’s house, when the delegate from the Holy Office was collecting the copies of the three works, Luisa remained calm, but the delegate also took her private diary-the notebooks of the volumes of the Book of Heaven! He took volumes 1 through 34. The matter of his authority to take these volumes is obscure, but it is believed by those close to the history of Luisa’ life that this delegate did not have any authority to take those volumes, which were her personal, private property. Volume 35 was overlooked, and volume 36 was only in the beginning stage. Luisa wrote a letter to be sent to the Holy Office, submitting herself totally to the decisions of the Church, stating that she would condemn whatever the Church condemned and approve whatever the Church approved. Her Archbishop told her that it was not necessary to send that letter.

Three months later, an unsigned article appeared in the Obsservatore Romano, stating that the three above-mentioned works had been placed on the Index of Forbidden Books due to false spirituality and extravagant terms, etc.; but, significantly, no explanation was given of any error against Catholic Faith or Morals. Here, we are reminded of the 19-year condemnation of the writings on the Divine Mercy by Blessed Sr. Faustina of Poland.

The 34 volumes of the Book of Heaven were consigned to the archives of the Holy Office, now called The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the leadership of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. Providentially, these writings were carefully wrapped in protective paper and maintained in perfect condition to await another day in God’s providence.

In 1967 the Index of Forbidden Books was abolished by Pope Paul VI. Juridical penalties for reading the books on the Index were removed, but the moral requirements remained, namely not to expose one’s self to the occasion of sins against faith or morals. This requirement always exists. The Vatican no longer has a procedure for reviewing all the publications concerning religious content. From time to time, certain writings are investigated by the Vatican with juridical penalties for those disapproved by the Vatican.

In late 1993, Cardinal Ratzinger’s Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, investigated the condemnation of the three works associated with Luisa’s name as well as the history of her writings and found nothing to impede the process for Luisa’s Cause of Beatification from going forward. In fact all the Sacred Congregations of the Vatican concurred that there was nothing to impede Luisa’ Cause from going forward. It is always difficult to know with precision the inner workings and decisions of Vatican offices, but it has been said that Cardinal Ratzinger’s office has cleared the record concerning the three condemned books, possibly having them specifically removed from the old Index. What is certain is that Luisa’s name has been cleared of any stigma attached to the 1938 condemnation, and no Vatican office had any objection to opening her Cause for Beatification. If there had been any question of danger to Catholic Faith or Morals, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith would never have consented to the opening of Luisa’s Cause for Beatification. In fact, Archbishop Cassati, who is completely informed on the entire matter, recommended any attentive study of Luisa’s writings in a Pastoral Letter dated January 23, 1997.

On March 28, 1994, Angelo Cardinal Felici, prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Cause of the Saints, signed an official letter to Archbishop Carmelo Cassati of the Archdiocese where Luisa lived, stating that he was pleased to notify him that there was no objection on the part of the Vatican to the opening of Luisa Piccarreta’s Cause of Beatification and that he had formal permission to do so. Luisa’s Cause was opened on the Feast of Christ the King, November 20, 1994.

In January of 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger released the 34 Volumes of the Book of Heaven to Archbishop Cassati as part of the protocol for process of Luisa’s Cause of Beatification. A team went to the archives of Cardinal Ratzinger’s office and spent 4 days photocopying and photographing the 34 volumes, finishing the project on February 2, 1996 (Feast of the Presentation and Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The originals were in perfect condition and were returned to the archives. The photocopies were taken to the Archdiocese of Trani and placed under the custodianship of Archbishop Cassati.

Concerning the original Volumes 35 and 36, they are in the custody of a certain priest in Florida, who has submitted photocopies of them to Archbishop Cassati.

In March of 1997, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Luisa’s death, it was announced publicly that the Tribunal Responsible for Luisa’s Cause had determined unanimously that Luisa’s life was one of heroic virtue and that her mystical experiences were authentic. Also, in 1997, due to the Beatification process, two independent, highly qualified theologians commissioned by the Church to review Luisa’s writings submitted their reports stating that they found nothing contrary to Catholic Faith or Morals. There may possibly be even more theological reviews before Luisa’s Cause goes to Rome (Luisa’s Cause is currently at the Vatican).

In summary, the record is entirely clear concerning the writings of Luisa Piccarreta. Anyone can read them with a clear conscience and be completely at peace. May God receive all the Glory He deserves and has determined to receive from his Creation, a subject which is most beautifully brought to our attention in the Book of Heaven.



The Blessed Mother to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will Day Twenty-three

My dear daughter, do not move from My side; follow Me everywhere. Forty days from the Birth of Little King Jesus are about to sound when the Divine Fiat calls us (the Holy Family) to the Temple in order to fulfill the law of the Presentation of My Son (Jesus). So we went to the Temple. It was the first time that we went out together with My Sweet Baby. A vein of Sorrow opened in My Heart: I was going to offer Him as Victim for the Salvation of all. We (the Holy Family) entered the Temple, and first we Adored the Divine Majesty; then we called the priest, and having placed Him in his arms, I made the Offering of the Celestial Baby to the Eternal Father—Offering Him (Jesus) in Sacrifice for the Salvation of all. The priest was Simeon, and as I placed Him in his arms, he recognized that He was the Divine Word and exulted with immense joy; and after the offering, assuming the attitude of prophet, he prophesied all My Sorrows. O! How the Supreme Fiat sounded over My Maternal Heart—thoroughly, with vibrating sound, the Mournful Tragedy of all the Pains of My Baby Son. But what pierced Me the most were the words that the holy prophet spoke to Me: “This Dear Baby will be the Salvation and the ruin of many, and will be the Target of contradictions.”

If the Divine Will had not sustained Me, I would have died instantly of pure Pain. But It gave Me Life, and used it to form in Me the Kingdom of Sorrows, within the Kingdom of Its very Will. So, in addition to the Right of Mother that I had over all, I acquired the Right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows. Ah! Yes, with My Sorrows I acquired the Little Coin to pay the debts of My children, and also of the ungrateful children.

Now, My daughter, you must know that in the Light of the Divine Will I already knew all the Sorrows I was to suffer—and even more than that which the holy prophet told Me. But in that Act, so Solemn, of Offering My Son, in hearing it being repeated to Me, I felt so pierced that My Heart bled, and deep gashes opened in My Soul.

Now, listen to your Mama: in your pains, in the sorrowful encounters which are not lacking for you, never lose heart; but with Heroic Love let the Divine Will take Its Royal Place in your pains, that It may convert them for you into Little Coins of Infinite Value, with which you will be able to pay the debts of your brothers, to ransom them from the slavery of the human will, so as to make them enter again, as free children, into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.

The soul:

Holy Mama, in Your Pierced Heart do I place all my pains; and You know how they pierce my heart. O please! Be my Mama, and pour into my heart the Balm of Your Sorrows, that I may share in Your same Destiny of using my pains as little coins in order to conquer the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come into My arms, that I may pour in you the First Blood that the Celestial Baby shed in order to heal the wounds that your human will did to you; and you will recite three acts of love in order to mitigate the Spasm of the Wound of Baby Jesus.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

My Mama, pour Your Sorrow into my soul, and convert all my pains into Will of God.


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will Meditation 3

The soul to her Celestial Mother:

Holy Mama, here I am close to You, to accompany You to the Temple, where You go to make the Greatest of sacrifices—that is, to place the Life of the Celestial Infant at the mercy of each creature, that they may use it to reach safety and to be sanctified. But, ah! What Sorrow—many will use it to offend Him, and even to become lost. O please! My Mama, place Little Jesus in my heart, and I promise You, and I swear, to love Him always, and to keep Him as the Life of my poor heart.

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:

Dearest daughter, how happy I am to have you close to Me. My Maternal Heart feels the need to pour out My Love and to confide to you My Secrets. Be attentive to My Lessons, and listen to Me. You must know that for forty days now, we have been in this grotto of Bethlehem, the first home of My Son down here; but, how many Wonders in this grotto! The Celestial Infant, in an Ardor of Love, descended from Heaven to earth; He was Conceived, and was Born, and felt the need to pour out this Love; so, each Tear, Wail, and Moan, was an Outpouring of Love that He made. Each Tear, Wail and Moan, was an Outpouring of Love. Even His feeling numb with cold, His tiny little lips, livid and shivering—were all Outpourings of Love that He made; and He looked for His Mama in whom to deposit this Love, which He could no longer contain; and I was Prey to His Love. So, I felt Myself being Wounded continuously, and I felt My Dear Little One Palpitating, Breathing, Moving within My Maternal Heart. I felt Him Crying, Moaning and Wailing, and I remained inundated by the Flames of His Love. The circumcision had already opened deep gashes in Me, into which He poured so much Love that I felt Queen and Mother of Love. I felt Enraptured in seeing that in each Pain, Tear and Motion that My Sweet Jesus made, He looked for and called upon His Mama, as Dear Refuge of His Acts and of His Life. Who can tell you, My daughter, what passed between Me and the Celestial Baby during these forty days? The repetition of His Acts together with Me, His Tears, His Pains, His Love, were as though Transfused together, and whatever He did, I did.

Now, after the completion of the forty days, the Dear Baby, drowned more than ever in His Love, wanted to Obey the law and present Himself to the Temple to offer Himself for the Salvation of each one. It was the Divine Will that called us to the Great Sacrifice, and we promptly Obeyed. My daughter, this Divine Fiat, when It finds promptness in doing what It wants, places at the creature’s disposal Its Divine Strength, Its Sanctity, Its Creative Power to Multiply that act, that sacrifice, for all and for each one. In that sacrifice It places the Little Coin of Infinite Value, with which one can pay and satisfy for all.

It was the first time that your Mama and Saint Joseph went out together with the Little Child Jesus. All Creation recognized Its Creator, and felt honored at having Him in their midst; and assuming the attitude of Feast, they accompanied us along the way. As we arrived at the Temple, we prostrated ourselves and Adored the Supreme Majesty; and then we placed Him in the arms of the priest, who was Simeon, who made of Him an Offering to the Eternal Father—offering Him for the Salvation of all. And while he offered Him, inspired by God, he recognized the Divine Word, and exulting with Immense Joy, he adored and thanked the dear Baby. After the offering, he assumed the attitude of prophet, and predicted all My Sorrows. O! How the Supreme Fiat, painfully, made My Maternal Heart feel, with vibrating sound, the Mournful Tragedy of all the Pains which My Divine Son was to suffer. Each word was a sharp sword that Pierced Me. But what Pierced My Heart the most was to hear that this Celestial Infant would be not only the Salvation, but also the ruin of many, and the Target of contradictions. What Pain! What Sorrow! If the Divine Will had not sustained Me, I would have died instantly of Pure Pain. But It gave Me Life, to begin to form in Me the Kingdom of Sorrows within the Kingdom of Its very Divine Will. So, with the Right of Mother that I (Blessed Mother) had over all, I acquired also the Right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows. O! Yes, with My Sorrows, I acquired the Little Coin with which to pay the debts of My children, and also those of the ungrateful children.

Now, My daughter, you must know that through the Light of the Divine Will that Reigned in Me, I already knew all the Sorrows I was to suffer—and even more than those which the holy prophet told me. Rather, I can say that he prophesied to Me the sorrows which were to come to Me from the outside, but he said not a word about My Interior Pains which would Pierce Me more, and the Interior Pains between Me and My Son. But in spite of this, in that Act, so Solemn, of the Offering of My Son, in hearing them being repeated to Me, I felt so Pierced that My Heart Bled, and New Veins of Sorrow and deep gashes opened in My Soul.

Now, listen to your Mama: in your pains, in the sorrowful encounters which are not lacking for you either, when you know that the Divine Will wants some sacrifice of you—be ready, do not lose heart, but rather, repeat quickly the Dear and Sweet Fiat—that is: “Whatever You (God) want, I (the soul) want.” And with Heroic Love, let the Divine Will take Its Royal Place in your pains, that It may convert them for you into the Little Coin of Infinite Value, with which you will be able to pay your debts, and also those of your brothers, to ransom them from the slavery of the human will, so as to make them enter, as free children, into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. In fact, you must know that the Divine Will is so pleased by the sacrifice wanted by It from the creature, that It gives her Its Divine Rights, and constitutes her queen of the Sacrifice and of the Good that will arise in the midst of creatures.

The soul to her Celestial Mother:

Holy Mama, in Your Pierced Heart I place all my pains; and You know how much they afflict me. O please! Be my Mama, and pour the Balm of Your Sorrows into my heart, that I may share Your same Destiny of using my pains as the cortege of Jesus, to keep Him defended and sheltered from all offenses, and as the sure means to conquer the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and make It come to Reign upon earth. 

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come into My arms, that I may offer you, together with My Son, to the Celestial Father, in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Will. 

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Holy Mama, pour Your Sorrow into my soul, and convert all my Pains into Will of God.
